Thursday, September 12, 2013

Are The People of Lyons Prepared?

This flood thing is pretty scary to me and I am not even in the flood area, this time.  But this could happen to almost anyone.  Some sort of event brought on by the wrath of Mother Nature. 

I have some friends and family that take lightly, and that is putting it nicely, that I feel a need to have a bit of a stash in case of an emergency.  Their questions are "Are you expecting a terrorist attack" or "Do you really feel a need to be ready for chemical warfare?" .  These people are missing the point of my Mini Preparedness concept.  The current events in Colorado are a perfect example of what could happen to anyone. 

So, I wonder if the people living in areas like Lyons are prepared in any way.  They have a compromised sewer system.  Their water supply is contaminated and most likely will be for days, if not weeks.  Many have lost all power.  And there is no way out so they won't be running up to the market to grab a loaf of bread or bottled water. 

What is the answer here?  To be at least a little bit ready for a disaster.  Stock 10 days of food and water for your household and a little more, just in case you have family or friends with you when this hits.  Purchase an inexpensive generator that will help keep your refrigerator running and a few light for a week, just on a bit of gas that you can syphon out of your car. After all, you are not driving anywhere.  And keep a bit of extra medications on hand, especially the prescription type.  This is the absolute minimal that any household should have.  And don't forget to have something for the pets.  They will be just as desperate as you. 

Good luck to the people of beautiful Colorado and to anyone who is left stranded, totally unprepared.

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