Sunday, September 15, 2013

Tips for Hunters and Campers - One More Time

Walked outside tonight and could feel a difference in the air.  I'm not going to say it feels like 'fall is in the air', but here in the high desert, there is a change.

This is the absolute best time of the year to go camping.  Days are warm, the monsoons are pretty much gone, and the nights are just a bit chilly.  Love this time of the year.  I want to share a few more camping tips that you may like.  And tips that are not only good for camping but great for mini prepping also.  AND -  hunters will be using these suggestions all during the winter season.

Do you hike?  Or chase wild game?  Here is a great way to mark your trail.  This is bio degradable tape to mark your trail.  It tears just like masking tape so there is no need to dig out your knife just to mark a spot.  Think about how perfect this would be for Boy Scouts who are out in a group or alone. And for my fellow Geocachers - pick up a roll of this and please don't get lost.

Who owns rope chairs?  They are comfortable enough to sleep in but when you go camping, you never know if you will have a strong limb that you can use.  Take a look at this bracket that hooks to the back of the truck to support your chair.  It looks easy.  It looks comfortable and like a great place to take a nap.

This may sound like the crazy side of recycling, but crazy can be good.

How often do you clean the lint out of the dryer screen, wonder just where all this is coming from and then promptly throw it in the garbage, or maybe you are one of those people who just add it to the stack of old lint on top of the dryer, until it is tall enough to take a tumble and force you to dispose of it properly.
Here is a little project that will have you looking forward to cleaning out the lint trap.  And you can even utilize old toilet paper rolls too.  (Now we are really talking crazy recycling)
Stuff your lint into an empty toilet paper roll, tape on the ends with a non plastic tape like masking tape, and save as a fire starter.  This one I have done and find that it works OK.  Not like some sort of super starter but it does help get the kindling going.  The only draw back that I found would be for those who have pets.  There is always some of the pet hair in the lint and you can smell that nasty scent when it first starts to burn. 

Camping out and cooking goes hand in hand for me.  Of course, cooking and baking goes with every part of my life.  But when cooking out in the wild you run into a lot of small obstacles that just make what could be enjoyable some what annoying.  Where to hang your pots and pans after washing can be an issue.  Just having them handy and not cluttering up the tables is even more important.  Look at this great idea that is simple, cost almost nothing and a must for all cooks of the camp.

Are you a S'mores person?  Do you make them in the microwave when you are not camping?  I guess this item has nothing to do with S'mores but if you like to use a stick over a fire for making late night treats, then this is a good one for you.  You can wrap many types of dough on a stick and cook it; then peal it off and eat it hot or when it cools down.  Think of the possibilities - pre-made pizza dough, canned croissant rolls, perhaps basic can biscuits that have been cut in half , anything that you could dip in melted chocolate or garlic butter- let your imagination go wild.  My mind went to those canned cinnamon rolls. 

If you are camping or hunting for a few days or even a week, how much in the way of seasonings do you really need.  Often we just don't take seasonings we want because it is a hassle to take the bulky containers when you have limited space and there is also the possibility of them being ruined by rain, sun or clumsiness.  Start gathering up those Tic-Tac containers. This is a simple and easy solution to taking all those seasonings.

 Coffee drinkers rejoice!  Now you can easily take your favorite coffee with you.  No more instant coffee.  No more buying the only brand that still makes coffee packets.  All you need is small coffee filter papers, coffee ground and something to tie them off.  Thread, bread ties, un-waxed dental floss, or anything that will not melt in boiling water will work. 

How irritating is it to be making lunch or dinner and find that all the bread is squished.  You can take your bread in a big plastic container but that is sometimes a bit bulky.  And then there is the fact that you are going to take a bread that you hope everyone is OK with.  If you have someone who need gluten free, then there you go needing another type.  

There is an easy solution here and you will be shocked at how fresh and well preserved this will be.  Bread in a can.  Yep - canned bread.  You can take the totally simple route and buy the frozen bread loaf, cut to the appropriate size, insert into a well greased can and bake.  Or you can mix up a basic quick bread recipe and bake it. After your bread has cooled, simply throw the entire can in a zip lock or if you prefer to just take these sturdy little loaves, remove and bag. Don't forget that you could do this with a sweet bread also, and heat them on the fire if you want a bit of hot bread for breakfast or dinner.
If you are a hunting, you can grab a can of bread and throw it in a back pack for a quick solution to the growling stomach.  Last thing you want to any extra noise when tracking your prey.  

I absolutely love this dessert.  These orange flavored canned biscuits are a great treat anytime and my favorite part is the citrus part.  So why not increase that flavor with orange peels!  In the oven you just place the biscuit on a piece of peel and bake as usual.  It may take just a bit longer if the bottom becomes damp.  When camping, do like you would any uncooked bread product by placing in a fry pan or dutch over, cover well and allow to cook over a low fire.  Delish!  

Treading into tick territory?  Those gross little creatures are not only annoying but dangerous too.  This great tip for a natural deterrent will be great for yourself and your dogs.  Don't forget to get the dog's under belly as well as their legs.

Last but not least - for now - is that all time favorite pest, the mosquito.  

Click HERE to see super, simple and natural ways to fight off these nasty little pest.

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