Monday, September 3, 2012

Nice Holiday Breakfast

     I crank up the computer this morning to find the daily goodie from Mavis of One Hundred Dollars a Month site.  She always has great ideas but this one is right up my alley.  I like an oatmeal breakfast or late night snack, and I like the fact that it is really good for us.  But there are times that I just get bored of it.

     Mavis has this recipe that sounds great and I will be trying soon.  Experimenting with other versions will be on my list also.  If any turn out good, I will share in the future.  Here is what Mavis posted.

Sunday Brunch Recipes – Oatmeal Waffles

About a month ago, One Hundred Dollars a Month reader Lenell sent me her recipe for oatmeal waffles.  Having never tried waffles made with oatmeal before,  I thought it sounded a bit unusual and bookmarked her recipe for a Sunday breakfast.
Well this morning I finally got around to making Lenell’s oatmeal waffles, and my oh my was I surprised. Not only were delicious, but Monkey Boy and The Girl gobbled them right up.  Who knew eating healthy could taste so good?
Here is Lenell’s recipe

2 cups quick oats
1/2 cup flour
1 tbsp. of baking powder {I prefer aluminum free}
1 beaten egg
1 tbsp. honey
2 tbsp. olive oil
1 1/2 cups of milk/water mix {figure ratio you like}

In a large bowl, soak oats in milk or water for 10 minutes. Add remaining ingredients and mix until there are no lumps. Then follow your usual waffle making instructions.
We double the recipe and put in refrigerator for toaster waffles. I have not tried to freeze the waffles as they never last that long!!
Thanks Lenell for this yummy recipe!

 Like I said, I will try this soon.  I may do a pancake version first.  Or maybe add some fruit to the batter; I do love the add ins.

Up date to follow soon.  

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