Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Easy Halloween Treats for the Last Minute Entertainer

Yep - I can resist this one last post about Halloween treats.  Gotta get it in before the Thanksgiving dish ideas come along.  She check this out.  There are a lot of simple treats to have out for the last minute 'drop by' neighbors, friends and families.

Are you tired of buying the pretzels at the mall and never knowing if you will get a fresh or stale one?  Well check out this easy and quick recipe for yeast free pretzels.  Also check out the shape that is perfect for this day.
and for the recipe

2 cups (500ml) All purpose Flour
3 tbsp Unsalted Butter
2 tbsp White Sugar
2 tsp Baking Powder
1/3 (75ml) cup Full Cream Milk
pinch of salt
Coarse Salt or Salt Flakes
1 Egg - beaten

Rub the Unsalted Butter into the Flour until it looks like crumbs. Add Sugar, Baking Powder and Salt and mix together. Add Milk slowly till all the ingredients are wet. Do not add all the milk at once. You have to make sure that the dough is not too sticky, but also not too dry. If you need more milk, you can add another drop. Once the dough is formed you do not have to let it rest, you can work with it straight away.

Divide the dough into smaller balls. Roll out each ball into a long snake. Twist them into shape and put onto prepared baking sheet. Once you have made all your pretzels, brush them with the egg (egg wash) and sprinkle with coarse salt or salt flakes.

Bake in preheated oven
 250 degrees Fahrenheit (180 degrees Celsius) for 10 minutes (depending on size of your pretzels) - they should be nice and golden on the top.
Now, make some goolish dipping sauce and serve warm or room temp.
What else might you add to the table?  

Fingers are really in.  Try them made of cheese sticks with notches cut in them for the knuckles.  Or even carrots, topped with almond for the nail, with a little creamy dip.  And just one more thought.  Take those carrot fingers and wrap a bit of thin sliced ham round it for a more fleshy look.    Yummmm !

An easy way to get a little something in those little goblins before they go out haunting and hunting for treats - a simple ghost sandwich cut  from your favorite bread and filled with absolutely anything.  
Can you do some grillin' in your front yard?  The adults could do a fun little dinner while keeping an eye on the trick or treaters, hand out treats and tell stories to the older kids gross stories about where the meat on the grill came from.  While you are at it, be a little creative with cheese slice designs.

Last but not least - finish it all off with a little something on the healthy side.  Apricot spiders and apple lips sound perfect to me.  

Hope your Halloween is a super safe one.
Enjoy !

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