Saturday, May 11, 2013

Charcoal Tip of the Month

From the sound of the title of this post, you would think that I have monthly tips on charcoal.  Not true.  I have never had a tip to share on charcoal.  What is worse - I am terrible at starting the BBQ with charcoal.  Thank goodness for gas grills - that's what I say. 

But for those who use the good ole' charcoal BBQ or anyone who is a camper (I do like to do that), this nifty little hit is super. 

The photo tells pretty much the entire story.  The cartons make for easy transport and super easy lighting.  Make sure you don't use the foam type egg cartons.  That could prove a disaster. 

I will hunt around for more charcoal hits to share.  Now that I realize that I don't have any, I feel very compelled to find more.

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