Sunday, May 26, 2013

Heirloom Tomato Treats

I've shown these before and mentioned how much I enjoy using the little cherry tomato size of heirloom for a stuffed snack.  With heirloom tomatoes filling the store shelves, it is time to bring it up again. 

There are endless possibilities of stuffing for these delicious fruits.  Everything from goat cheese, cream cheese blended with your favorite cheese and chives;  maybe sauteed mushrooms and onions, a bit of spinach, combined with a bit of cheese.  You can tell how much I enjoy cheese as a main content. Stuff them as you would a bell pepper. 

And then there are the health benefits - 

Five health reasons to add heirloom tomatoes to your diet

1. Heirloom tomatoes are a rich source of vitamin C, which helps nourish the adrenal glands and reduces stress. One medium heirloom provides 40 percent of your daily requirement of this immune-building nutrient.

2. Tomatoes protect cardiovascular health. They are rich in potassium, which is known to lower blood pressure as well as folate, which has been shown to help with a lower incidence of heart attacks.

3. Organically grown tomatoes tend to be higher in lycopene, a kind of carotenoid that plays a role in the prevention of cancer. Studies show that lycopene is protective against bladder, breast, cervical, colorectal, endometrial, lung, pancreatic, prostate, and skin cancers.

4. Heirloom tomatoes are a good source of vitamin K necessary for healthy, strong bones. The Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University suggests that if you consume vitamin K early and consistently, it can help prevent osteoporosis.

5. Heirloom tomatoes add tremendous flavour to your cooking yet are low in calories. With only 27 calories per cup, you can enjoy a sun-ripened tomato as a snack, just like an apple! Garnish your next soup or dip with chopped heirloom tomato for an extra zip.

One word of warning: You will have to limit your tomato consumption if you are a dialysis patient on a potassium-restricted diet. Tomatoes contain an alkaloid called tomatine that may cause inflammation in those who are sensitive.

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