Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Recycle Plastic Bottles In Your Garden

Many people are really good about recycling and take those plastic bottles to the local recycle bins.

Here are a few ways that you can recycle those same bottles in your garden.  Check out a few ideas.

This is a simple concept that may work for your garden, depending on where you live.  And the type of garden.  In a state like Arizona, this may not be enough water to save your garden if you are not around to water by hand.  But, in a somewhat cooler state or have a nice little herb garden, this concept may be perfect. 

This idea could be perfect for almost any garden location.  You could even use a 5 gallon bucket, between plants, for long term watering.  If you do use a larger bucket, I would suggest lightly laying the lid on top to slow down the evaporation, but not snug enough to keep the water from releasing into the ground at a good rate.   For many gardens, this may cut your watering schedule drastic.  Another thought, and one that applies to me - how much easier will it be on the neighbor kid who comes over to water for you when you take that little bit of vacation time.  

This one is just cute.  
Keep it simple by using the wheels off a broken toy or an old roller skate, to make the base.  Add on your hose using tape or it may be possible to find a converter at your local hardware store to a better connection.   Just poke holes in the top of the bottle with a nail (you may need to heat the nail for an easier poke).  I have found that filling the bottle, with the original cap on it, will make it easier to poke holes, at least the first ones.  Now you have a watering source that will fit perfectly between rows.  

And won't this make a super little sprinkler for the kids to play in, especially if they get to assist in the making of the watering bottle. 

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