Monday, September 9, 2013

Baking Season Is Just Around the Corner

I feel a little silly talking about the holiday season being just around the corner when there are so many triple digit temps in the very state that I live in.  But - it is true. 

When you begin to make those plans to entertain, check out the the condition of those baking pans.  Baked on residue can start to effect the taste of you desserts.  Not to mention a bit of smoking in your oven.  As much as I enjoy the convenience of non-stick sprays, they are the absolute worst when it comes to leaving a nasty buildup. 

Now, there is a solution that is simple, easy and very inexpensive. 

Here's what to do -

In a glass bowl, put 1/4 cup of baking soda; add just a bit of peroxide and mix.  Use a rag to rub this pasty mixture to the area you want to clean and you will see the residue fade away.  If you are experiencing some resistance, just rub on the paste and allow to sit for a short time before proceeding.

 This is going to save you a lot of money in the long run. 

 Who doesn't want to bake with shiny?  And so simple. 

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