Thursday, June 28, 2012

Solar Panel Excitement

     Recently I have been very much into my bucket garden and finding ways to grow your own without running up an outrageous water bill.  But then, along came this deal on DM 145 Watt Solar Panels for $160, with free shipping, and my mind has been forced to change course.

     David Letterman isn't the only one with a top 10 list and I found this neat list of the top 10 reasons to use Solar Power, and thought I would share.

  1. Solar energy is not only sustainable, it is renewable and this means that we will never run out of it. It is about as natural a source of power as it is possible to generate. Not only are we able to refuel our vehicles with it we can heat our water and light our homes.
  2. We can generate our own source of electricity via solar panels potentially enabling us to live off grid. In other words we need not be dependent on the public utility companies to supply our power and we also won’t be required to pay for out power.
  3. The creation of solar energy requires little maintenance. Once the solar panels or troughs have been installed and they are brought up to maximum efficiency there is little else to do to ensure they are in working order.
  4. They are a silent producer of energy. There is absolutely no noise made from photovoltaic panels as they convert sunlight into usable electricity.
  5. The creation of solar power is unobtrusive, particularly the solar electricity that is generated from photovoltaic panels that sit on top of the roofs of buildings.
  6. Many governments around the world and locally offer generous rebates and monetary incentives to install solar panels and solar hot water systems. The governments of various nations understand the importance of the creation of electricity from renewable sources is to the entire world and are receptive to making it as attractive a proposition as possible for individuals.
  7. If you produce enough solar electricity or if you don’t use all of the electricity that you produce you can sell it back to the utility company for electricity credits. This is a rare occurrence for the most part, unless you are away on vacation for a week or two, in which case your solar panels will go on producing electricity that you won’t be using.
  8. Large solar energy facilities can produce electricity regardless of whether the sun is shining or not making them sustainable and reliable electricity producers. The solar power plants capable of achieving this feat are generally thermal solar power producers capable of storing the heat generated and using it when the sun is not shining.
  9. The advancements in technology used to create solar energy are continuing to improve making it even more cost effective. As it becomes cheaper to install new solar energy generators the price of solar electricity will continue to drop bringing it more into line with traditional, fossil-fuel generated electricity.
  10. Solar electricity power plants and personal solar panels produce zero emissions and make no adverse mark on the environment.

If all the above reasons are not enough to have you kicking the solar power project into gear and sharing the info about the great and very rare deal available on the DM 145 Watt Solar Panels doesn't have you rapidly moving forward - then read a few customer reviews.

Best Value
By NickG
I purchased a couple of these and recently installed them. The build quality on these better than expected and the power output seems to be exactly as claimed. Will buy again as soon as I can afford more (it would help if shipping each panel didn't add 40% to the cost of each panel).

Very Good Value Solar Panels That Deliver The Power!
By R. Lincoln
I have 4 of these panels and they perform well and are a very good value. You'll be hard pressed to find polycrystaline panels anywhere else at $.95 per watt, even in pallet quantities. This vendor has been straightforward and dependable. Can't ask for more.

Good stuff, will buy more
By iMaxx
They work as advertised. They're heavy because of the quality frame around the solar cells. You'll need some MC4 cables, but everything else is present to get up and going quickly. I'm going to buy 8 more of these to fill the roof space on my shed. Cost of shipping is the only drag, but so far it seems to be worth it because driving to Florida to get them would cost more. :-) Also, the company was very helpful with answering my questions and pointing me to the right cables online.

    One more little bit of info to share here - the results of a consumer's test on the DM 145 Watt Solar Panel. 

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