Friday, August 24, 2012

Extended Weekend Home Care

      I left town for 5 days this week and I, live most of you, do things to prepare for  a quick little break like this.  I had some one who would put a little water on the garden if it didn't rain.  I had the cats (ferrell type for me) checked on and fed.  And I had a kid who hung out just to keep the home company.  So what did I forget?  Well - I never thought that I need someone on 'worm watch'.  Yep - I messed up here.

     It is not too difficult to explain.  I left town and the worms moved in.  Problem is, I could only find one lonely little worm and I can't imagine that there are not more.  Believe me when I say that this critter was not causing havoc on my garden before I left.

     Take a look here.

My before pic.
 And now for the current conditions -

not only did the stems and leaves get eaten, but the entire pepper, right up to the top.

All this damage by this one little worm.

I will save you the gross-ness and will not share any kind of image of what this guy looked like moments later.


Many of you will recognize this guy as a Tomato Hornworm or Tobacco Hornworm.  They seem to enjoy a variety of climates and a greater variety of plants, as my garden proves.  But do you know what this worm looks like when it is done with the worm body?  
Here you go 
I have been excited about the fun, large moths that have been landing on the screens at night.  I will no longer have the same feelings about this. 

     So look for this ugly worm on the underside of your garden leaves and I hope you catch them before your garden is a total loss. 

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