Monday, September 17, 2012

National Preparedness Month

    How can it be that I didn't know that it is National Preparedness Month and we are already half way through this month.  The blog is suppose to be partly about this subject and here I am, totally unprepared.  Well, I will make up for my tardiness and get some good stuff to you now. 

     To start with, I have to share with you the site that I believe will help the average household more that any other site.  It is the FEMA/Homeland Security site   There is so much easy to follow instructions here.  Read the information, print out the information, make a list of items needed to be prepared, make a list of the small chores you need to do to be ready, and get busy.  Don't forget to share this site with friends and family.  This isn't a plan of a single group, this is a plan that should involve all that you are involved with in your daily life.  The more prepared your friends, neighbors and family are, the easier it will be for yourself, if you suddenly find yourself in the middle of a disaster of any kind.

     Be in control of your future, forward this site to your friends and family now and go to now !

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