Sunday, May 5, 2013

Perfect Pizza On The Go

Who doesn't like a good home made pizza?  With our busy schedules, we tend to head for the nearest drive through and grab a meal that is really not good for anyone. Here is a great solution and you'll love it. 

You can buy the pizza dough in a can in the same area as the can biscuits, in the refridgerator department of the grocery store.  Of course you could make your dough from scratch but if you are needing an 'on the go meal', you probably want to whip something up quickly.

Roll out your dough, add a layer of sauce, then a little cheese, sliced or shredded.  Add some pepperoni (or other meat) and a little bit of veggies if you'd like,but not too much.  The more stuffing you have the better chance you have of dripping all over yourself while driving down the road. 
Roll this goody up, brush with a bit of olive oil, and you are ready to pop it in the oven. Bake til golden brown.  Let cool a bit and wrap in a bit of foil - and you're off and running.  With your pizza roll meal in hand. 

Want to keep your lunch a bit lighter?  Here's an idea for you.  
Pick up some of those disposable on the rock glasses.  The ones that are short and wide.  Build your self a little salad in the glass and you are ready to head out to work, school, errand, anywhere.  
Think about it - why pay $5 for a fast food salad that has been sitting on a shelf for hours, when for less than a dollar, you can have it fresh with exactly what you want in it. 

Just one more thought - 
Have you got a sweet tooth?  Or did you have time for the meal but had to rush out before dessert?  
Make it a fruit salad in the to go cup. Top with a bit of whip cream?  Yummm!
Time to be prepared for those on the go meals and be stocked up at home. 

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