Friday, May 3, 2013

Time For The New Crop To Be Planted

The ground is warming up and the garden area is begging to be planted.  It's nice to see that the buckets are in good shape and there will be very little work to have the planting are ready for new plants.

Time to get My Little Bucket Garden 

 My watering system works really well.  When we lacking in rain, I can water thru the tubes to hit the roots and not waste the precious water in unneeded areas.

Recently I saw this new idea on line and thought that it just may be perfect as a secondary watering system, for those really hot days when the temps are hitting the 100's. 

By leaving the top on the bottle, you will avoid loosing water thru evaporation.  Look at this as the perfect combination.  High tubes for catching rain and reaching roots.  The buried bottles for the slow release, again hitting the root area below the ground level.  When drilling holes in the bottle, make sure you keep them in the lower two thirds of the bottle to keep the moisture deep.  Less evaporation that way.

Not only are we working on a great watering system, but we are recycling also. 

Time to plant. 

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