Monday, June 24, 2013

Home Made Almond Milk

This is one of those situations where you can go to  the market and purchase almond milk right off the store shelf.  Easy peasy!  Right?   But, some people would like to know that what they are putting in their body is as pure as possible.  For those, there is home made almond milk.

There's a recipe that may be right up your alley.

Ingredients -

1 cup almonds
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
3 dates
pinch of salt


Soak almonds overnight in 3 cups of water. Drain water, and place almonds in a heavy duty blender with 4 cups of water, vanilla and dates. Blend for about a minute and a half.

Pour Almond mixture through cheesecloth or a nut bag to strain.  Try and squeeze all of the moisture out of the cheesecloth, and reserve pulp in a small bowl.

Pour almond milk into a pitcher and store in the refrigerator for 3-4
days. Denitra suggests using extra pulp in cookies and quick bread mixes for added protein.

Yield 1 Quart Almond Milk.


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