Saturday, June 8, 2013

Kid Project for this Summer

Summer projects are great for all ages.  When the summer heat is a bit much for outdoor play, make it fun inside too. 

Simple felt masks can make for a great day of pretending.  Kids running around the house acting like kittens will be so much better than those kids laying in front of a television all day.

With a little child or adult imagination, you could have an entire forest or zoo of animals roaming around your home. 

 Throw a sheet over a card table for a great den for the human animals - and this could easily be on the patio or in the yard under a shady tree. 

or spread out many sheets for a super cave perfect for an entire neighborhood creatures. 

Last but not least - you could go all out and purchase a nice card table cover or, make a custom table cover.  The custom could be a great project for the family.

Happy Summer Break everyone!

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