Wednesday, August 21, 2013

A Movie Drive-In Experience

If you ever enjoyed trips to the drive-in theater in the past, you are probably a bit sad by all the closing of the good ole'  drive-in theaters.  Maybe you recall the smell of the burnt pop corn coming from the snack bar or the problems with getting the speakers to work properly.  How many people did you sneak in, in the trunk of your car, just to say a buck? Of course there was always that truck that thought it was a car and tried to park front and center, until everyone started honking and yelling.  And if you are being honest with yourself, you will remember how nice it was to snuggle up with your date for a movie, that you saw very little of, without worrying about the kid and mom sitting in seats next to you, pitching a fit.

Altho those days are fading away into the past, there is always hope for the kids of today to know a bit about what we all experienced.

Check out this little project and think about the possibilities.

I plan on doing this project with my grand kids either as a one day/night project or splitting up into two days.  Of course the boxes will be good for many nights of movie watching.  

I'll pick up some boxes from the grocery store or office supply store.  The kids who will really enjoy this are small enough to fit in a copy paper box.  

Then we'll spend a day making a great little car with the box, poster paint or markers, paper plates, and any other stickers or trims we may find.

That night or the next day we will have our very own Granny's Drive-In Movies experience.

If the kids are old enough to enjoy a little intro movie, check out this -

Obviously, the movies that you will want to entertains your kids with will depend on their age.  I enjoy the oldies and even my grand daughter who are in their 20's still think they are fun.  Check out a few of our favorites.

 Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Love Bug, Bedknobs and Broomsticks, Mary Poppins, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory - and that is just a few.

Don't let the old Drive-In Theater tradition fade away without an attempt to educate our kids on the experience.  Check out your local area to see if any remain open, but don't wait too long.  they are fading away fast. 

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