Saturday, August 31, 2013

Labor Day Easy Meals

Labor Day weekend is a great time to get out and BBQ, unless you live in an area that may be rainy, or just feel like changing things up a little.  This is also a good weekend to experiment on your guest with fun meals.  I though that I would share a few items that will be on my 'to try' list. 

I am all about easy, simple and quick to clean up.  I shop for disposable pans through out the year for the good sales and stock up.  I also keep a good supply in my prepping stock.

What to serve while your guest when they have the munchies and are waiting for the main meal -


First, you may notice the cute little pan that these peppers are in.  I don't have one and seem to do just fine faking it with my disposable loaf pan.  if you are doing plenty of peppers, they will support each other just fine.  If you peppers are taller than the pan, you can line it with foil, leaving it a bit higher than the pan.  
Recipe -  and you know this is all a matter to preference.  You can change this up in anyway that you want, depending on taste.   

For about 24 jalapeno peppers

1/4  cup  finely diced onion
1/4  cup chopped fresh cilantro
1  1/2  cup cream cheese
12  sticks of string cheese  (any flavor is fine; I prefer a firm cheese for this like mozzarella)

Cut stem / top off the pepper and clean out the insides
Mix the onion, cilantro, and cream cheese
Separate the string cheese into about halve,  length wise, and place one in each pepper
Stuff the cream cheese mixture in the pepper around the string cheese
Wrap a length of bacon around the pepper and secure with a toothpick if you don't have one 
       of those cute little pans in the photo
Bake at about 350 degrees, for about 20 - 30 minutes, until your bacon is done

Advanced preparation -  

Do you want to spend time with your family and guest or be stuck in the kitchen?  If family and friends is your answer, then here is a little goody that will help with that. 

Make tortilla cups in advance - simple

I lightly coat a corn tortilla with olive oil and press in place between the cups of a muffin pan; the under side of the pan.  Bake in oven until golden brown and crisp.  Set aside until ready to use.

What to fill the cup with?  Anything you want that fits into your meal theme.  Want to coordinate with your stuffed peppers?  I would suggest you use taco filling, beans and supply the topping for guest to add as desired.  

Now you have your stuffed peppers and a taco bar.  Great start.  Here's another item that can be prepped for in advanced and just thrown together last minute, baked and served hot.  Check out the taco pie -

Along the line of keeping it all simple, I use Pillsbury pre-made pie crust.   Bake the crust til golden brown and remove from oven to cool.  It doesn't have to cool but if you are doing your work in advance, it is fine to do this.  Make your favorite taco filling mix and set aside too, but make sure you don't leave at room temperature for an unhealthy amount of time.  30 minutes prior to serving time, fill your crust with taco mix and put in a 350 degrees oven and heat for 15 - 20 minutes or until hot through out.  When you remove you have a couple of choices.  Let set for about 5 minutes and add sour cream, (spread your sour cream on top of taco mix) then shredded lettuce, tomato, cheese, salsa, avocado, or any garnishes you like.  Serve hot.  

I am not a red meat eater so I use a chicken taco mix in place of the typical taco mix.  Never made chicken tacos?  Keep it simple (do I sound like a lazy person now; always looking for simple?) and cook your chicken, shred or chop into small bites, place in bowl.  Mix in salsa, to taste and texture you desire, some finely chopped onion, a bit of cilantro, a sprinkle of garlic powder, and chili powder or sauce if you want to spice it up.  Now, use it just as you would a beef taco filler. 

 You have the basics now.  A good variety of food for your guest and minimal effort on your part.  Add a tray of chips and dips, and beverage of your choice - you're ready for a great, relaxing day.  

One more thing here -

If you have left over tortilla cups, expand you mind to include other possibilities.  Check out this breakfast option.  And again - simple.

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